Financial & Legal News

September Spike In Divorces, say Local Lawyer

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September often sees a seasonal spike in parents getting advice on separation and divorce, often seeking a new start with the new term and having waited until the end of the school summer holidays.

A survey by Relate states almost one in five (18%) couples in the UK argue regularly or consider separating and post-holidays is a popular time to get advice from solicitors and or counsellors.

The family team at Law Firm Pearson Solicitors and Financial Advisers have seen these annual trends for a number of years and are used to dealing with families at this time of year.

Tracy Crompton, a specialist in collaborative divorce at Pearsons said: “September is a fresh start, even though we are not at school it’s almost programmed into us to make changes at this time of year and parents with children often see this as a time to take action.”

She says collaboration can be the best way forward for divorcing families as it’s non-confrontational with negotiations done face-to-face rather than through the traditional court route.

Through round table negotiations and by taking advice from a collaborative lawyer couples can save time, money and heartache,” said Tracy.  “It’s divorce as amicable as possible under the circumstances providing a much better solution when children are involved by maintaining a good working relationship between parents.”

Statistics show that 1 in 4 children will have separated parents by the time they reach 16 and the most recent figures suggest that 2.87 million people were in "distressed" relationships.

Seasonal spikes also occur in January, after the last ‘family’ Christmas.


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