Financial & Legal News

What is Family Mediation Week ?

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This week is Family Mediation Week and for our solicitors it is an opportunity to raise awareness of alternative dispute resolutions and the benefits they can bring to separating families.

Pearson's Family Mediation Service

When a client comes to the Pearson family lawyers for advice on divorce we will always explore all the options and look at what is right for them, there is no text book client, every case is unique and every set of personal circumstances is different.

One of our aims is to let more people know about the benefits of family mediation and encourage separating couples to think about alternative dispute resolutions, such as mediation, as a way of helping them take control, make decisions together and build a positive future for their family.

“Mediation is one of the options we will discuss with clients, I always work with what is best for my clients once I get to know them and their unique and personal set of circumstances,” said Pearson family and divorce solicitor Emma Kendall.

“What it does do is to encourage separating couples to work together and to compromise to make decisions about future arrangements, when there are children involved this can only be to everyone’s benefit,” she added.

This year the start of Family Mediation Week coincided with the Government stating that an extra £1.3m would be spent on the voucher scheme which helps an out of court solution. The scheme was piloted and then launched last year and over 4,400 vouchers have been used to resolve family disputes outside of court without additional costs.

“As family lawyers we can help prepare clients to enter the process, to tell what mediation is all about, how the process works and hopefully achieve an amicable conclusion.

It is vital to obtain legal advice before, during and after the mediation process to ensure that the settlement being sought is a fair and reasonable one. We often support clients through the mediation process and a good relationship with local mediators.” added Emma Kendall

How can we help

For advice on alternative dispute resolution such as mediation contact our family law solicitors in Oldham and North Manchester on 0161 785 3500 or email

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This blog was posted some time ago and its contents may now be out of date. For the latest legal position relating to these issues, get in touch with the author - or make an enquiry now.

Written by Emma Kendall


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