Financial & Legal News

Pregnant mum loses eye after medical negligence error

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A mum from Rochdale who lost her eye after post-operative infection sued her health authority and was recently awarded £210,000 in compensation.

Mrs Z. had corneal graft surgery to her left eye at Birch Hill Hospital, Rochdale in February 2010.  As part of the procedure stitches have to remain in the eye for a number of months as part of the healing process. The surgery is performed to treat a corneal defect.

Following the operation Mrs Z. suffered from repeated blurred vision, conjunctivitis, irritation, pain and became photo-phobic (an adverse reaction to light) and visited the walk-in centre and a High Street optician who said her stitches had become loose and referred her to hospital.  A consultant at Birch Hill said it was too early to remove her stitches and told her to continue with her eye drops.

She continued to trust her doctors and on repeated visits to A&E her drops were changed.  Her eyesight deteriorated and the graft showed signs of rejection.  After antibiotics and a pain relief injection into her eye she was sent home, only when returning three days later in unbearable pain was she referred to a retinal surgeon at the Royal Oldham Hospital.

Mrs Z, who was pregnant at the time then had to endure more surgery and in early December that year her eye was removed.  Happily she gave birth to a healthy boy the following February.

The Pennine Acute NHS Trust made a settlement of over £200,000 when it admitted a breach in duty of care.

Commenting on the award, Matthew Cox, partner at Pearson Solicitors and medical negligence solicitor, said:  “This was an especially upsetting time for Mrs Z. and the award reflects that. She returned to hospital in pain on many occasions and her deteriorating condition should have been noted, unfortunately when it was it was too late to save her sight."

“My client experienced the trauma of losing the sight in one eye and during this stressful period was obviously concerned for her unborn baby.”

For advice on any ophthalmic medical negligence case please contact and our experienced nurse adviser, Janet Dunkerley, will be in contact with you.


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