Financial & Legal News

INSIGHT: Taxing matters use it or lose it

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Turn your New Year resolutions into reality…

The end of January marks a key date in the small business calendar – the deadline for submitting online tax returns - but with prudent planning ahead and help from experts it could all be easy.

Pearson’s offer proactive tax planning advice and as Partner, Richard Eastwood, said: “January 31st does not need to be a dreaded date; we advise clients on making the most of available exemptions and relief for tax, especially if they have a business or second home. 

“Dealing with this in January also helps to prepare for the end of the tax year in April and plan pension contributions, ISA allowances, gifts and estate planning, helping protect well-earned money.

“I would always urge clients to make the most of their tax allowances and follow my advice to ‘use it or lose it,” he added.

Like birth and death to most of us tax is one of life’s few guarantees, over nine million people file a self-assessment tax form each year, these include high-earners, self-employed and those with more than one source of income.

The problems usually arise for the self-employed, company directors or those with just more complicated finances. 

If saving money is one of your New Year’s resolutions a good financial adviser is essential. 

“Busy people are time poor and it’s hard to plan ahead.  Self-employed earnings, capital gains realised, income from investments, savings, pension details, bank statements and income earned, are all needed for the deadline, to many people it can be overwhelming” said Richard.

 “What better time than New Year to sit down, sort through your taxes, make tax efficient investments and have an independent financial review.”

For a FREE financial review call Richard now on 0161 785 3500 or email

Also in this issue of Insight

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This blog was posted some time ago and its contents may now be out of date. For the latest legal position relating to these issues, get in touch with the author - or make an enquiry now.

Written by Richard Eastwood


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