Types of Compensation Claims
We can help you claim compensation in the following areas:
Accidents at Work – falls, strains, crush and trap injuries, deafness, assaults, poisoning
Holiday Claims - Injuries, Food Poisoning,
Industrial Disease – Asbestosis, Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer
Slips and Trips on the highway, at work, in a shop or supermarket
Falling Objects from within a shopping centre, shop, or from a building
Assaults and Abuse claims through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
Abuse claims against an individual or public body
Defective Products
Road Traffic Accidents, as a driver, motorcyclist, passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, on a bus.
Accidents on trains, trams, in the air or at sea
- Michael Talbot
- Solicitor & Head of Personal Injury & Care Home Claims
- Lisa Anderson
- Senior Paralegal